Veterans Outreach Project

Veterans Outreach Project

Supporting local veterans in need during the holidays


Groceries for Families on Thanksgiving and Christmas
$ 0
Gift Cards to Purchase Meaningful Christmas Gifts
$ 0
Local Veteran Families Served
0 +
Veteran Family Members Served
0 +


 Our Veterans Outreach Program serves as a way for us to give back to Veterans directly. Each year we purchase groceries for individuals or families in need, and through the generosity of our Volunteers, deliver these groceries right to their front doors. We coordinate with Smith’s Food & Drug to purchase the groceries. We then bring them to our office space where we package the groceries for delivery, having them prepared for our Volunteers to collect and distribute!

 Over the years we have been able to expand our program and strive to include as many Veterans as we can. As we all know, the cost of groceries continues to rise, however, our commitment to this project never wavers. The joy brought to these families when the groceries are dropped off, knowing they will be able to provide a well-rounded holiday meal for their families, is something that everyone involved feels proud of. Thankfully, our supporters stand firm in their commitment to this project as well, and as we progress, will proudly continue our service to our Veterans. 

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