Ang Pasang Sherpa’s Children


Ang Pasang was tragically killed in an avalanche just a year after he and Dean Cardinale summited Mt. Everest together. Dean committed to supporting his three children.


Opportunity & Empowerment for three children



The Human Outreach Project has its origins in a tragedy. During Dean’s 2005 summit of Mt. Everest, he became friends with a Sherpa guide named Ang Pasang. Pasang’s dedication and hard work were crucial to the success of the climb, and he and Dean stood together on the summit of Mt. Everest. When Pasang was killed in an avalanche shortly after their climb together, his wife and three children lost their means of support, and it seemed they’d also lose their chance at a future. Moved to do whatever he could to support Pasang’s wife and children, and Dean created an educational fund for them.



The Sherpa Family has been Dean’s family since he met them, but since the death of their father, Dean has taken on the three children as his own.
Each time Dean visits Nepal, he gets together with them to discuss life updates and cheer them on toward their future goals.


The continued support of Dean and HOP has sent the children to school, given them the opportunity to travel the world, and set them up for success as they enter adulthood and navigate the life they’re creating. Supporting Pasang’s children was the catalyst for the creation of HOP in 2005, and continues to be an important personal mission for Dean, who maintains close ties with the family. We are proud of the children’s success and will continue to support them through their education and future.

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